Vaping upgrade accomplished in Dubai


Doctors within the UAE are urging e-cigarette users to remember of the health risks from the practice of vaping and say e-cigarettes are even as harmful as smoking tobacco.

Millions of cigarette smokers round the world, including within the UAE, want to kick the habit and have switched to what they believe may be a healthier and safer alternative which is equally dangerous.

Viral videos show e-cigarettes exploding in users' pockets and hands, often causing severe disfigurement, but doctors warn that vaping can also cause cancer and heart condition thanks to deadly chemicals that users inhale.

Dr Georgey Koshy, Chief medic and Head of Cardiology, Universal Hospital, said there are not any legitimate studies backing up the security of e-cigarettes. "There is not any real research conducted to prove the devices are safe alternatives to smoking regular cigarettes."

"There are many brands available out there, so there's no standardisation on e-cigarettes."Dr Georgey Koshy, Chief Medical Officer and Head of Cardiology, Universal Hospital, said there are no legitimate studies backing up the safety of e-cigarettes.

Bawadi Vape

The UAE follows World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines and the Ministry of Health has banned the import and sale of e-cigarettes.

However, vapes are becoming widely used as a nicotine replacement therapy, and Dr Koshy urges greater awareness about the dangers of the habit.

There is no denying the fact that e-cigarettes have harmful substances as part of their main ingredients, including bezel, which is a petroleum-based product that is also found in traditional cigarettes.

Dr Koshy said vaping also attracts "fresh smokers who have never ever  smoked cigarettes in their lives."

"Non-smokers believe e-cigarettes are safe and begin smoking vapes, but eventually move on to traditional cigarettes." He noted that the most efficient way to quit smoking is to use nicotine patches or chewing gum.

Dr Aithal pointed out that carcinogenic ingredients include formaldehyde, which is a flammable chemical often used in building materials and household products, an anti-freeze substance, as well as diacetyl, which affects the lungs. This chemical causes deposits inside the lungs and eventually destroys the organ.


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